Each year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) compiles its data to identify trends and raise awareness about the top toxins that pets are exposed to. In 2024, the APCC responded to more than 451,000 calls related to toxic substance, plant and poison exposures in animals, representing a nearly 4% increase in calls compared to the year prior. Below are the top toxins of 2024.
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medications remain at number one, with 16.5% of the exposures. Vitamins and dietary supplements are very popular right now and people sometimes accidentally drop their pills or leave bottles of pain medications (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) where pets can access them.
- Food and drink remain at number two, with 16.1% of the exposures. Protein drinks and bars, xylitol gums, grapes/raisins and onions/garlic make up the largest part of this group.
- Human prescription medications remain in the third spot. Heart medications, antidepressants and ADHD medications are most involved.
- Chocolate continues to slowly creep up, with 13.6% of the exposures. Dogs don’t have an “off button” when it comes to chocolate and can easily eat a whole pan of brownies.
- Veterinary products remained at number five this year, with 8.6% of the exposures. Many of these are ingestions of flavored chewable tablets or soft chews. Although these forms make it easier to administer the products, they increase the risk of ingestion of the whole container.
- Plants and fungi remain at 8.1% of the exposures. Plant exposures peaked during COVID, when people bought houseplants because they were staying at home more, and have been dropping since then.
- Rodenticides moved up one spot to number seven, with 7% of the exposures. Rodent populations have increased, and pets can be exposed when rodents move the blocks from safe spaces to those that are more accessible to pets.
- Household products dropped one spot, with 6.5% of the exposures. Deoxidizers (found in jerky and soft treats) and batteries are common ingestions. Exposure to disinfecting wipes has decreased since COVID.
- Insecticides remain at number nine, with 3.7% of the exposures. Reading labels about correct dilution and putting bags away after use can reduce the risks from this category.
- Recreational drugs remain in the top ten list, with 2.1% of the exposures. While THC exposures are dropping, hallucinogenic mushroom (psilocybin and muscarine) exposures are rising.
If you have any reason to suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, please contact the ASPCA Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435 or your veterinarian.